Ontario Christian School News
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Campus Connection: December 2024 Vol. 1
Hello, Knights!
The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you’ll find a video message from Superintendent Vos featuring end-of-semester remarks and updates for the new year, an invitation to volunteer at Food For Life Ministry on Saturday, December 21, as part of our 25 Days of Impact Advent Calendar, multiple athletic coaching opportunities, a highlight on the middle school learning center’s class trip and more!
Campus Connection: May 2021 Vol. 1
Hello Knights, The latest edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find exciting OCHS Knights Center news, details regarding the upcoming Boosters Golf Classic, important dates to remember, and more! Click the link below to...
Campus Connection: April 2021 Vol. 2
Hello Knights, The latest edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find photos of our recent Third Grade Living Museum, a story about our very own Principal Fakkema serving as a golf caddy for an OC student, details on how...
Mr. Fakkema Serves as Golf Caddy for OC Students
Ontario Christian Elementary School students, Sienna and Solenn Hayden are junior golfers at US Kids Golf. The Hayden sisters fell in love with the game of golf at an early age and have been playing at the US Kids Orange County Local Tour for the...
Campus Connection
Published bi-weekly during the school year, the Campus Connection keeps current Ontario Christian families informed with events and important updates.
Ontario Christian’s Knightline magazine is published semi-annually and is shared with our community of supporters, alumni, and current families.
Parent/Student Hub
Daily announcements and frequently needed information all in one place!