The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find a video from a few of our adorable OC students personally inviting you to our OC Harvest Carnival, details on how you can win $500 in Scrip, a letter from Mr. Fakkema (Superintendent) and...
Recent News
Counselor Tidbits October 2021
Good Afternoon OC Families! Can you believe it's already October? Well, we have been busy settling into a routine and I am so very proud of all the hard work the students have demonstrated this quarter. I believe God's Word in Thessalonians that tells us, "Therefore...
Scholastic Book Fair Returns to Ontario Christian K-8 October 4-8
Librarian Mrs. McGirr shares a cool new “E-Wallet” feature with step-by-step directions to help you set your student’s account up, and you are still able to send cash as well… just don’t forget to add in some extra for the tax!The Scholastic book fair returns the week...
Innovation and Vision by Ontario Christian High School Finalists
Although many will look back on the challenges of 2020, Ontario Christian High School Spanish Teacher Megan Mendoza recalls the year as one of great purpose and intention. Part of this was due to a fulfilling mission trip to Nicaragua with her high school students....
Campus Connection: Sept. 2021 Vol 2
Hello, Knights! The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find an introduction to our new OC website, Harvest Carnival details, a greeting from Superintendent Mr. Fakkema and K-8 Principal Mr. Behnke, information regarding our upcoming...
Campus Connection: September 2021 Vol 1
Hello, Knights! The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find an OCHS Back to School Highlight, important reminders, dates to remember, and more!
Counselor Tidbits September 2021
Hello, OC Families, and Happy September! I am looking forward to entering this month, albeit, with a sense of grace. Our family has spent the last few days in quarantine, and while there are moments of frustration and angst, there is also a newfound appreciation for...
Campus Connection: Aug. 2021 Vol 2
Hello Knights, The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you'll find important upcoming dates to remember, a note from our Knights Corner Kitchen, helpful links, the 2021-2022 school year calendar, and more!
Ontario Christian Kindergarten Serves First Responders
By Kim Mesman, Kindergarten Teacher What started as a small goal to teach students to be in prayer for our community servants (firefighters, police officers, health care workers, and government officials) turned into a year-long service project for all four...
Campus Connection: Aug. 2021 Vol 1
Hello, Knights! The start of the 2021-2022 school year is upon us which means the first Campus Connection of the school year is here! Inside, you'll find the 2021-2022 school year calendar, important dates to remember, a link to access our OC online store, photos of...