Professional Biography
My name is Lisa Westenbroek and I have been teaching Kindergarten at Ontario Christian School since 2000. Before teaching at Ontario Christian, I taught sixth grade at Foothill Knolls in the Upland School District for six years. In the years between teaching at Foothill Knolls and Ontario Christian, I was blessed to be a “stay at home” mom while my children were small. Also during that time, I did some substitute teaching in Kindergarten through twelfth grade. I received a BA degree from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan with a major in Elementary Education in 1984. After moving to California, I continued my education to earn a California Teaching Credential. I continue to take classes to keep my credential current and updated and to learn new and innovative techniques that are useful for the children in my classroom.
Personal Biography
I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, and moved to California when my husband, Doug, got a job on a dairy in the Chino area in 1985. All three of our children have attended Ontario Christian School since Kindergarten and have all graduated from Ontario Christian School! Currently, our oldest son has graduated from Dordt College in Iowa and is managing a dairy in Bakersfield. Our daughter graduated from Dordt College and is working as an RN in Windom, Minnesota. Our youngest son is a junior at Trinity Christian College in Chicago. I enjoy spending time with my family, going to the beach, traveling, and teaching!
Philosophical Biography
I believe that I have been called to be a teacher. I have humbly accepted this call, knowing that each day I need to rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom, patience, gentleness, and love. Each day, I rely on the grace and forgiveness of Christ for the times when I think I can tackle the responsibilities of teaching on my own. All children are image-bearers and precious in God’s sight. It is my desire to guide the children in discovering the unique gifts and talents that God has given them. Because each child is unique, I will do my best to provide a variety of teaching methods and strategies to make learning interesting and relevant and challenging. The knowledge, experiences, and learning that takes place school will help prepare the children for not only a career but will equip the child with a world view that centers around Jesus Christ, the creator and redeemer! With the task of nurturing children’s minds and hearts, I will daily walk with the Lord in prayer. It is my heart’s desire to “…seek first His Kingdom…” Life verse: Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge HIM and he will make your path straight.”