Professional Biography
Prior to working here at OCPS I was a police dispatcher/9-1-1 operator for the California Highway Patrol. I went back to school and earned my Early Childhood Education units from RTP school in Colton. I have worked here in the pre-school for 7 years now.
Personal Biography
I have been married to my husband Julio since Nov. 6th 1993. We have 2 children. Our son Matthew is 14 years old & currently a freshman at OC. Our daughter Jessica will be turning 12 around Christmas time & is currently in the 6th grade here at OC. I have been blessed to work here where my children attend. It gives me peace of mind knowing as parents we are doing the very best we can for them.
Philosophical Biography
I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior. I believe that every ones relationship with Jesus is just that, a relationship not a religion. I do my best to live by my favorite Bible verse. Joshua 1:9 * Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” This gives me peace & keeps me on my toes. Working with these little ones is where I believe God has placed me.