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New Uniform Supplier – Lands End
New Uniform Supplier – Lands End
As previously communicated, Dennis Uniforms abruptly closed in October, leaving us without a uniform supplier. Since then, we have worked to find a reliable supplier to replace Dennis Uniforms. Thank you for your patience as we performed our due diligence.
After extensive research and valuable input from administrators, staff, and parent representatives, we have selected Land’s End as our uniform supplier for the foreseeable future. We believe their quality, pricing, and reliability will be an improvement regarding some of the issues we experienced with Dennis Uniforms.
Please read through the FAQs below for more details.
We hope this will be a smooth transition for our OC families.
For questions, please contact the appropriate campus:
K-8 Campus – (909) 983-1010
High School Campus – (909) 984-1756

When will products be available for purchase from Land’s End?
Products should be available as soon as December 13th, 2024. Please note that some items might not be available, such as the evergreen/gray plaid top of the knee skort, or items that will be back in stock for 2025, such as the feminine fit rapid dry polo, women’s active performance shorts (above the knee), or boys/men’s active performance shorts (above the knee).
Can we try on samples of clothes for sizing purposes?
Land’s End will do its best to provide product size guidelines. Additionally, samples of various clothes in various sizes will be available to try on. More details will be provided in a future communication.
Can I purchase OC Land’s End clothing online through Amazon?
No. Items cannot be purchased on Amazon because they will not include the OC logo or brand. All items must be purchased through the Land’s End website.
Is Land’s End cheaper than Dennis Uniforms?
We anticipate that Land’s End will be up to 20% cheaper than Dennis Uniforms when taking advantage of their sales.
Once purchased, what is the turnaround time for items to be received from Land’s End?
Land’s End has a 98% rate of items delivered within 7-10 business days.
Is shipping free?
Shipping is free for all orders over $99.
How long does Land’s End guarantee their products after purchase? Can they be returned or exchanged?
They will do a 90-day return or exchange if the item is damaged. All items with a logo will be eligible for exchange only within 90 days.
If items need to be returned, does Land’s End provide shipping bags and labels?
Items must be returned within 90 days. Return shipping is free. Once you process the return, they will provide you a QR code, and you can drop it off at a location, like you would Amazon, per their instructions. No packaging is needed.
I still have some OC apparel from Dennis Uniforms. Can my student still wear that?
Yes. (See next item for more details.)
Are there any changes to the uniform dress code?
Yes. See bullet points below for changes to the uniform dress code.
High School Students Only – After Christmas Break, in addition to the currently accepted uniform items, students may wear blue or black solid denim jeans (no holes or tears) as an option. Here is the updated high school dress code policy. Skirts/skorts will be phased out during the spring semester and will not be part of the uniform dress code starting with the 2025-2026 school year. (Please note: Dennis and Lands End shorts will still be allowed.)
K-8 students – The uniform dress code will remain the same. However, only skorts, not skirts, will be available for purchase. Dennis Uniform skirts may continue to be worn.
Is there a list of the Land’s End items that align with the OC uniform dress code?
Yes, we have linked a list for your convenience.
Will there still be a way to purchase used uniforms?
Currently, we do not have enough supply to host a used uniform sale. If you would like to drop off any donated uniforms at the Elementary or High School office, within policy, we welcome that. We ask that any borrowed uniforms be returned so we can build our stock and then, Lord willing, hold a used uniform sale in the future.
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