Ontario Christian School News
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Campus Connection: January 2025 Vol. 2
Hello, Knights!
The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you’ll find an official poster for the upcoming production of “Beauty and the Beast Jr.”, details on K-8 candy gram sales from OCPA, an invitation to participate in a food drive for those displaced by the Los Angeles wildfires, updates from all schools, a middle school and high school athletics schedule and more!
K-5 Fun Run: On Your Marks and Get Set for March 4th!
OCPA is excited to kick off our K-5th Grade Knights Fun Run 2022 on February 23rd. Our goal is to raise $80,000 for the Middle School Locker Rooms and to strengthen our school community. No matter how old your child is now, they will benefit from...
Ontario Christian K-8 Students Lead by Feeding Those in Need
The generosity of the Ontario Christian student body was evident as our K-8 students participated in a Thanksgiving Food Drive for Food for Life Ministry. Led by ASB and K-8 School Counselor Mrs. Pamela Powell, the student leadership team filled an...
Scholastic Book Fair Returns to Ontario Christian K-8 October 4-8
Librarian Mrs. McGirr shares a cool new “E-Wallet” feature with step-by-step directions to help you set your student’s account up, and you are still able to send cash as well… just don’t forget to add in some extra for the tax!The Scholastic book...
Campus Connection
Published bi-weekly during the school year, the Campus Connection keeps current Ontario Christian families informed with events and important updates.
Ontario Christian’s Knightline magazine is published semi-annually and is shared with our community of supporters, alumni, and current families.
Parent/Student Hub
Daily announcements and frequently needed information all in one place!