Ontario Christian School News
Stay connected to the Ontario Christian School community with the latest news and communication resources.

Campus Connection: February 2025 Vol. 1
Hello, Knights!
The next edition of the Campus Connection is now available! Inside, you’ll find important details about the upcoming Priority Re-enrollment period, key dates to save regarding K-8 Boosterthon, a highlight on OC middle school students who participated in the Regional Honor Band, an insider look on our preschoolers learning about community helpers and more!
2022-2023 Back to School Information
The new school year is quickly approaching. Access all of your back-to-school information below! We look forward to a new year with new challenges, exciting learning opportunities, and above all, Growing Christian Leaders! K-12 General Back to...
Join Us for the Knights Kickoff Cookout and 3 Mile Run!
Ontario Christian Invites You To The Knights Kickoff Cookout on Thursday, August 11th! Kickoff the 2022-2023 school year with your Ontario Christian Community! Join us on August 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at our high school campus. Food,...
Register Today for the 3 Mile Run/Walk!
13th Annual 3 Mile Run/Walk The Boys and Girls Cross Country/Track Team will be hosting their 13th Annual 3 Mile Run/Walk Race on August 11 during the Knights Kickoff Cookout, with the race beginning at 6:00 p.m. The 3 Mile Run/Walk is a high...
Campus Connection
Published bi-weekly during the school year, the Campus Connection keeps current Ontario Christian families informed with events and important updates.
Ontario Christian’s Knightline magazine is published semi-annually and is shared with our community of supporters, alumni, and current families.
Parent/Student Hub
Daily announcements and frequently needed information all in one place!