Volunteer with Ontario Christian

Volunteers Welcome!
We are thankful for and welcome those who would graciously volunteer to donate their time and skills to help further the Ontario Christian mission. Many of the Ontario Christian events cannot be done without the help of our community volunteers!

Opportunities to Volunteer Include…
Harvest Festival
Room Parents
Field Trips
Parent Ambassadors
You-Knighted High School Retreat
...and More!
Volunteer Paperwork
In order to volunteer on campus and future school-related field trips, the Volunteer Paperwork consisting of the four parts below needs to be completed.
1. A signed Abuse Prevention Form
2. A signed Liability Waiver
3. A negative TB test result from the past 60 days OR a completed and signed TB Risk Assessment from your healthcare provider.
Either one will work. At the locations noted in the TB Test Instructions, you can get a TB test for prices listed. Alternatively, you may have your healthcare provider complete the TB Risk Assessment instead.
A specific location for this is recommended, but any location is okay. There is an out-of-pocket cost with this. The recommended location charges $74. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. The results are sent to the school and can take a few days or up to weeks to arrive. Therefore, the sooner you get them done the better. Please return the completed Live Scan Form after you have had the fingerprinting done.

Please turn in the completed packet, in its entirety, to the school front office.
All of the forms will be valid for the duration of your student’s OC career, which means you will not need to repeat any of the above steps in the future so long as their path is uninterrupted.
The above forms are also available for you to pick up in the elementary office during regular business hours.
Interested in Getting Involved?
Please reach out to our Volunteer and Events Coordinator for more information!

Jennifer Kiemeney
Volunteer and Event Coordinator
Opportunities to Support Include:
Box Tops for Education
Collect Box Tops from your General Mills products. Each Box Top collected earns 10 cents for our school. Money raised will be used to show our teachers appreciation throughout the school year. Sign up to receive discounts, coupons and enter contests at the Box Top website www.btfe.com
This is your chance to earn money toward tuition and raise funds for OC. Scrip is a collection of gift cards purchased through the school, which you may use for gas, groceries, entertainment, restaurants, and many other things. Plan ahead and purchase your gift card from the school. Use them as you normally would at your favorite business to earn money for yourself and your school. For more details, see the Scrip page.
Scrip Sales:
- Fridays – Elementary School at 8-10:00 a.m.
- Drop off orders in at either office by 8:30 a.m. are filled on Tuesday and Friday. Questions? Pattie Montejano- 951-733-6871